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If you don’t know the blues, then there’s no point in picking up a guitar and playing rock and roll

Keith Richards has been quoted recently saying “If you don’t know the blues, then there’s no point in picking up a guitar and playing rock and roll, or any other form of popular music for that matter.” Strong language for sure, from my personal axe hero. Such hyperbolic comments would be more typically expected from the mouth of yours truly. Nevertheless, the point is made. That musical changeling of word, heart and tone we call the blues is so pervasive through modern music since its origins in………well, whenever / wherever you want to pinpoint the origin of the blues (and what a can worms THAT topic can become!). Historical appreciation aside, what always fascinates me is how dedicated modern blues artists continue to generate fresh material while still paying homage to that original hallowed recipe – all kinds of variation on the whole I / IV / V thing, and typically with melodies (vocal or instrumental ) slipping, sliding, dragging that minor 3rd over a major key. I am a huge fan of Ben Harper as a modern blues master, and so I was excited to hear about his latest collaboration with Charlie Musselwhite. This latest album of their collaboration is no disappointment for authentic blues aficionados, and I would say a must for a blues collection. The title track here, in my opinion, is the quintessential example of going back to the well for tried and true blues themes, while adding an edgy touch of modern music production – the miking of the percussion, the overdrive on the harp, the deep reverb on the vocals. Fresh, and yet old school. ‘What would be your last dream, if you could dream no more?’

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